Once I saw out the window the {en:Statue of Liberty}, I knew the hard ride was almost over and could not wait to get to the hostel and get some sleep.
The hostel we stayed at was called the L-Hostel not far from the famous {en:Apollo Theater} in {en:Harlem}. I highly recommend the hostel, all four of us stayed in a comfortable 8 bed dorm, which was split into two small rooms of 4 beds.
That night we all went to {en:spanish harlem} and ate Puerto Rican food at the La Fonda Boricua Restaurant. The price was good and the food tasted good. After that we crossed the street and had some drinks at the FB Lounge, which is owned by the same owner as the restaurant.
Sunday we did more sight seeing, passed by {en:Times Square}, went to the top of {en:Rockefeller center}, and ate some good German food and drank good beer at the {en:Hallo Berlin} Restaurant. After that, we went back to Chinatown to catch the 5pm bus back to Washington DC.