As for me, I was stuck in my house in Arlington, VA with some friends and we ventured out on to Lee Highway and I-66 (picture below on I-66 on-ramp) until a police officer screamed at us to go back. When the snow storm died down, I dug up my car and took it for a spin or should I say a couple of spins (literary). Other friends where stuck in Falls Church, VA watching 2 girls one cup and others in Washington DC.
Even though I did not see it, I heard that hundreds of people crowded in Dupont Circle in D.C. for a large snowball fight (picture below) and that Connecticut Ave. became a skiing avenue. Also, along the National Mall skiers lapped the Relecting Pool, a tree limb fell on one of the Presidential SUV motorcade carring members of the press, and that some people where using the steps of the Lincoln monument as a slope to slide down on. Here are some pictures that I took, except for the snowball fight in Dupont, which a friend who lives there took. One picture shows a car completely buried in snow and two other pictures show how my balcony (a.k.a the Bastardales lounge) looked like after the storm.